lunes, 28 de mayo de 2018

The Rise And Fall Of Arctic Monkeys.

A Piano Nightmare was my worst Nightmare.

Ok. yes you just saw it, i had to say it... The new Arctic Monkeys album did had the impression i expected. 

Years after their not much liked (By me) "AM" (I  have to admit, i like it more than this new record), but anyhow, i first listened "Tranquillity Base Hotel & Casino" i felt something was not really good at first sight. But let's analyse its cover, i don't truly understand it, somehow it looks like an experimental album, people say not to judge a book by its cover, but c'mon, this record has a  the weirdest cover in the history. 

I recognise the first two tracks have something good, but the rest is just lift music, the piano became the main instrument, it's not bad but i think Turner can improve his piano skills, feels like his just playing like a child with the instrument and left guitar sounds and arrangement for just a third place, drums feel not catchy and... where the hell are the bass lines?

I thought i needed a time to appreciate it with a wider perspective... but i just took "Start Treatment" and "One Point Perspective" as the best tracks on the record, i know the sound of the band changes during the times but... i cannot feel or connect with this style, maybe not yet or not definitely.

Yes i like the challenges and i know Alex Turner and CIA wanted to challenge us to take something different but i really have to remark this is not the album i was expecting, i know they don't care about it, they just sell and sell records over the world, a great new is that... this record is most vinyl selling album in the modern history of music formats, that's great, because no album has done that, maybe we need to look to this physic formats and take them not only as collection but as a way to consume music rather than digital platforms (ironic 'cuz most of Le Mexicain posts have a spotify link)  

Anyway if you're a fan of AM, this record can divide you, it can provoke different reactions, mine was to definitely stop listening to it for a while, others voted to love it, it's good yes, maybe they have a better point of view than ours, but as a fan since 2009 i have to admit i expected more, something like going back to their roots, "AM" disappointed me because of its soft porn style, now i see traces of this kind of mood on "TBH&C", however i thought the Monkeys would take a trip back to their roots like in "Whatever people say i am, that's what i am not" or even go back to modern tunes like those on "Suck it and see", my mistake. 

Enjoy this record, or hate it thought, you have options, we have. I give it a 2/10. 

i leave reminding you... Je suis Le Mexicain. 

#ArcticMonkeys #TranquilityBaseHotel&Casino #Review

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