domingo, 27 de mayo de 2018

Bad Saint.

Get in the car and let's hit the road across the USA.

The Band's logo and social media

Bad Saint is a band from Seattle, Washington, USA. it's fronted by the genius Tess Freedel, a young and independent musician who gives her best on every track she makes.

Tess Freedel
I listened to their debut EP entitled "North American", launched somewhere in 2017 and it really hooked me up, basically because of it's simplicity, fresh and ambitious sound, excellent for those hot, sunny spring days (here in Mexico we have had the most hot spring ever so... you know what i'm talking about).

North American EP
The first track we can listen trough the recording is "Out Of Blood", a catchy song with strong drums and guitars, her voice is so deep and the lyrics so accurate that we can really feel we're running out of blood, maybe because of love or anything else, there's a great guitar solo that you can enjoy and it gives balance to the melodic verse.

"Hanging On The Telephone" is a kind of pop song with some high tunes, specially on the chorus, taking some rest from the fuzz and distortion, reminds me the kind of music i was so into when i turned 21 in the hot spring of 2015.

"Fall City Road" gets stronger, and Tess seems to play with more than just her guitar, she takes our hearts and emotions, i feel a huge influence from the Riot Grrrl movement and so much driven by Bruce Springsteen's legacy, the thing is we can understand she's such a bad saint, she wants to runaway and be free, like a bird, like the summer wind playing with her hair.

"Neon Preaches" became my favourite track on the recording, every chorus has a "Wooohooo" thing so you can sing along with it, rather you prefer to take the verse with that enjoyable guitar breaks with a clean sound.

And the final track "Hard Truth" is the kind of music i would set on a indie movie soundtrack or TV series, i can feel a trace of road trips, friends drinking on the garden or the porch, but maybe it's just Tess singing to herself that there's something we must realise, that some truths are hard to accept, i enjoyed the slow-bluesy guitar and the sweet sweet drums tickling every inch of the song, and then... the chorus becomes strong, like those who dare to accept the truth, a hard truth.

In a few words, i believe this band, Bad Saint and their "North American" portrays the true American dream, the one everyone there in the states need to remember and the one we should see and say "yes, there's still a bit of hope for everyone", also it shows a rebel spirit, a voice that shouts out loud. I give it a 9/10, plus i believe they can deliver to us something more risky and playful, but in summary, this record is worthy of your playlist. 

I will leave the recording down here for your pleasure and follow me to discover more details on it, also i will attach their facebook page so you can follow and like them. I leave, reminding you that music is always the reflect from the souls that matters and goes to the people who truly listens to them and of course... i remind you Je suis Le Mexicain.

The genius behind the Badness

#BadSaint #Indie #Alternative #Rock #SeattleSound

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