sábado, 21 de abril de 2018

Melvins: Pinkus Abortion Technician.


And it finally arrived, the new Melvins production came with lots of surprises, since their new era with bassist Steve McDonald from Redd Kross, they decided to experiment with a second four-string player, another current collaborator, Jeff Pinkus, musician who gives his name to this brand new album called Pinkus Abortion Technician. 

King Buzzo, Dale Crover, Steve McDonald And Jeff Pinkus gave their best to create a satiric, acid and in many ways, fun set list with bizarre combinations, first we have the medley with "Stop Moving To Florida" and "Embrace The Rub" became highly popular among the fans, followed by "Don't Forget To Breath" a slow blues track with long voices and sludgy guitars, "Flamboyant Duck" is the acoustic song we see heavily influenced by King Buzzo's solo album, very nice way to combine the voices, "Break Beard" takes the classic Melvins sound with fuzzy bass and strong drums, "I Want To Hold Your Hand" is a bizarre version of The Beatles' classic hit, the slow lead guitar makes it a bit awkward for a Beatles fan (My father) and also for me, Buzz voice makes it feels like a song to give a chuckle while you hit the play bottom, the ending is far bizarre than their Paul McCartney cover from 2012 Freak Puke, "Prenup Butter goes back with the bluesy sound, you can feel the heat on it and the need for a beer and lay on the grass, and "Graveyard" originally by the Butthole Surfers is as noisy as the original version, Pinkus played this track with Melvins before when they gave away ice cream on a van in 2012. 

The whole album has references to the Butthole Surfers, like the title from Locus Abortion Technician and the track "Graveyard"m(song from the same album). Even the alternate cover from the Vinyl issue is a sadistic tribute to the Surfers cover. 

Made by Hazel XXL
In resume... the new Melvins' album is a blast, it may has a bit of weirdness but hey, that's how Melvins work, they need some savage weirdness, tons of sadistic graphic designs and satiric lyrics.

Pinkus Abortion Technician is now available on streaming platforms, digital stores and the band's main website for its physical version, compact disc or vinyl. 

The Band hit the road in promotion this same month and will play a ton of shows were the weirdness will be the main course. I leave here the album to be streamed at Spotify. Cheers everyone, and have a nice weekend.     


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