viernes, 13 de abril de 2018

It's Friday the 13th!!! That means


"Head Like A Haunted House"

Today we have a special post. we endorse the 13th as a good luck sign because we will try to update some data for this. We'd like to introduce you to this new section called "Friday Night Killing" this will talk about movies (specially horror), books (mysterious tales from the crypt) and of course music to make all of this a more enjoyable journey for us, for you and for everyone who read this.

Now take a seat and relax, cuz today we have good stuff for all of you.

First we're gonna talk about a music topic but, let me introduce you to the playlist i made for today's post:


Yes my friends, mon amis, mis amigos... this playlist is completely insane, and i want to remark the importance of the first song because we're gonna talk about this track today.

Video of the Day

A few weeks ago Queens of the Stone Age released their video for "Head Like A Haunted House" single from their 2017 album, Villains, this video show what's inside our beloved Josh Homme's head, we can see a typical B-series movie out of everywhere, skulls, monsters, weird characters around the place. As much from the same song gives us the idea that something weird and bizarre is happening, guitars and voices tell a story from a different universe, synths give it an extra flavour, on dope.

I selected this song to open the playlist because of its impertinence and hilarious sense of humour, if you want to check the video, here it is:

Since they have toured Latin America in resent weeks they decided to insert some Portuguese and Spanish subtitles. We hope this way to keep in touch with their biggest audience get to saty for a longer time.

TV. For the Killing

Now. I want to step aside from music and talk about a TV series that's in everyone's mouth. Ash and The EVIL DEAD.

30 Years after the original movies Ash is back to defeat darkness again, the series shows a non-grown up Ash (mentally) with two side kicks that help him solve the mysterious and mischievous acts invoked by the Necronomicon.

Full of dark comedy and references to pop culture, this show will turn into one of your favourites very quick, it does not has the bad comedy you could see in a superheroe movie, so you won't get bored, Bruce Campbell dresses Ash's skin once again to kick some demons and enjoy some groovy tunes.

Music For Your EVIL Ears.

Now... things get serious, i have downloaded some new tracks from bandcamp, these include The Leavings, a great band ye all shall listen if you want some classic garage punk into your head,

They're from New Zealand and it's really great what they do. i give it a 9/10 to their latest EP called "Cigar Box", i leave the link to stream their music.

The next one is from a band we talked about yesterday, yes Burning House is one of those bands that you shall be listening , "Tracer" their debut EP is a great mix of Shoegaze, Post Punk and Noise rock, i got to tell you they will release a whole album with new music, so we will keep in touch with these guys from Southampton. You all know my score for this one so... 9/10. Check our latest English post to know more about them. 

And Finally i have some hardcore stuff for those fans who love to punch things and wear white because they're no good guys at all. They're called Pressure Pact, from Tiburg, Netherlands, all fans of Negative FX, Minor Threat and Black Flag will love this band. 

They have just a few releases, their debut self-titled album and a single that's more a version of the old american band Negative FX's track "Might Makes Right", fast riffs for fast strumming. I give it a 8/10 meaybe becuase of the lack of a professional production, but the DIY treatment makes it sounds better than any other punk album of the year. 

This is going to an end, but don't worry we still have things to talk about... what about some books? who has read a good book recently? well i have, this last 6 months i have been reading lost of books, non more important than... "A Clockwork Orange" 

The Tale from the Crypt

Many things have been said by this precious book, is it so violent? is the movie as good as the book? i'll solve your doubts about it. 

First, yes is violent, but i don't think the movie is violent at all, it may show some rough tendencies but the book, besides being more violent than the movie it does not describes much about the acts committed by Alex and his drugos. Kubric just gave us a small visual analysis of the book, it just focused in the character's life and work, but it's a good adaptation of the book. 

Second, remarking the importance of a visual side, Kubric gave a screenplay with a developed character and plot, the book may show us the main character but we know just a bit of him, not much, the plot is planned yes, and the use of its own glossary of Russian-English-something words makes it a better document for linguistic and language studies. Some words are well selected to match with the situations, as much as the narrative gives that feature to be told y the main character and not the author itself.   

In Resume... the book is a master piece pf literature, maybe better than the book if you want to see it that way, but the movie has the great performance of Malcolm McDowell, one of the finest actor of his time. I hope you can take a look at the book and the movie, c'mon that's general knowledge. 

For me, the book is better, what about you? i want to know your opinion.

This is all we will share for today, remember to go out and kill, but by kill i mean, hang out with friends, have a pint or two, watch a movie, have a nice conversation about anything, and get back home safely. We will see this kind of post again in further times. by now... 

Have unpleasant dreams...  


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