lunes, 11 de junio de 2018

Today's Recipe! 

My Special Ginger Tea Blend. 

Hello again, Je suis Le Mexicain... again. Today we have a special recipe i like to call "Special Ginger Tea Blend" and it's special cuz ever single ingredient has a small story. 

Since i was a teenager in 2011 i always wanted to bake a pumpkin pie and one of the ingredients to make it was ginger, but unfortunately in my country and in my city it was too expensive to even get some and use it. 

It was until 2015 that we managed to introduce this root to our diet and we currently use it in various ways, most notably tea, some Chinese or Asian recipes and many other ventures i will talk about later. It was thanks to my brother who was then studying high school who needed some ginger roots to brew some ginger ale for school as an experiment for his chemistry class and so i asked for him some of those roots to shredder and let them dry, that way i could complete the Pumpkin pie (Note: in my family we have been making pumpkin pie since 2011, although sometimes we forget to make it like in 2012, 2014 and 2016). 

Then all i needed to finally (yes finaly) complete the whole pie recipe was nutmeg, for over a whole year (2017) i was looking for nutmeg and read a lot about it. Thanks to one of my aunts we have a small amount of nutmeg powder but its potential is not as strong as i wanted. A few weeks ago i saw at the supermarket a small jar with nutmeg, but it wasn't ground so after a few days mom and i bought it. 

After this amount of stories i will share with you my special ginger tea blend. This blend has helped me to overcome from throat-sores, flue, and many other miscarries. So here it is the list of ingredients.

You will need: 
1.- One lemongrass tea bag   
2.- a half teaspoon of grated and dry ginger 
3.- a quarter teaspoon of ground cinnamon 
and 4.- just a pitch of grated nutmeg 

Lemongrass tea bag

The cinnamon 

and the nutmeg
Steps: what you have to do now is to boil water (as always) i prefer to use a kettle because it's more effective and fast and it boils correctly, also that boiling pint is perfect to brew the ginger on its point and to mix the cinnamon and the nutmeg.

Mom... I'll put the kettle on.
Just add water and let the tea rest for a while, you wouldn't like to burn your mouth. After letting rest a bit the smell of ginger and nutmeg will get through your nose and you can enjoy every single zip you give to your drink. 

Final product, 
And this (above) is the final product of our brew. Easy to make, easy to drink. Drink anytime you want, try not to exceed nutmeg cuz it can make it a bit strong, i leave reminding you Je Suis Le Mexicain, Cheers!

#GingerTea #Nutmeg #Lemongrass #Kettle #Tea 

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