lunes, 18 de junio de 2018

Kevin Morby: City Music.

Or as i shall call it "The album that changed my life".

You may ask me "Le Mexicain" how did you start to write about music? and the answer is... 2016, but when did everything go fucking nuts? and the answer is, June 2017, yes, just a year ago I was in a dilemma about to keep writing or to stop doing it maybe forever. 

Everyone shall know i started writing about shows in November 2016 for a Radio show called "Clinic Diafragma" a College Radio Station called Radio Anahuac host this show since 2004, so as i was going to attend a big festival on November I found them on Instagram and i asked them if i could write something about the Festival. They said yes and told me to write "What do i expect from The Corona Capital Festival?", you can read it right here (PS: is an article written in full Spanish).

And so... they published, they invited me to see a show from a local band called Maligno and after that 2017 became the year i attended more shows in my whole life, i met amazing people and have lots of stories about it, covered small shows from international bands to well produced shows at great venues. But i wanted more and a friend told me about a British site that was looking for new freelancers, i just had a six month experience streak so i felt i had nothing to loose, i contacted the site and sent an application that consisted in "My 20 Favourite Records Of All The Time" they liked the list of records i love and asked me to pick an album and review it, i remember there was Kendric Lamar 2017 album and many other and one that took my attention very hard was "City Music" by Kevin Morby. 

Kevin Morby

Now I'm Gonna talk you about "City Music" by Kevin Morby, one year after its release. 

Told by Morby itself, "City Music" brings the story of a person who just wants to live in the nighttime and spend the whole day in its apartment, some of this songs are "Come To Me Now", "Tin Can" and "Night Time". In all fo these songs Morby portrays the loneliness from our modern age, a nostalgic spirit locked in their four walls and then finding the calm and tranquillity under the night and those silent hours. "Come To Me Now" gets the low key sad song we hear everywhere and every time we are disconnected to the real world, "Tin Can" tries to see the world below us with an eager perspective maybe, but i feel is a song where funny moments can happen at same time, not just solitude and finally "Night Time" ends this short story about a lonely woman called Mabel who locked herself in her own world, the song brings peace to anyone, to you, to Kevin, to Mabel and to me.

Much of the songs on the record are related to the city, especially New York.

"Cry Baby" is a song with such a bluegrass style, similar to songs by The Babies, a previous band of Morby with Justin Sullivan, more related to a town than a city, "1234" is a great Ramones tribute, it brings the punk to the album and shouts the classic band's members names "Joey, Johnny, Dee Dee, Tommy", "Aboard A Train" a kind of Bob Dylan song with great instruments on it, a piano rhythm and some slow drum strums, then some guitars are heard and the voice of Morby takes the song to another level, it becomes the strong point on the album, there are guitar solos, fluid and simple as any other solos. "Dry Your Eyes" is another ballad with sweet guitars sounding and chorus from anywhere, a calmed solo breaks the silence. "Flannery" is a spoken-word cut taken from "The Violent Bear It Away" by Flannery O'Connor, this book inspired Morby to recreate a scene from it it lead to "City Music" the songs that gives Title to the album, with a dynamic, fast and big band sounding around the room, "Caught In My Eye" is Germs cover re versioned in acoustic guitar and slow drums, the tempo is different and it can seem like a blues song, but it gives a breath of fresh air to the song, the punk is now to be folk. 

"Pearly Gates" bring the wondering about death and being lost, seeing the life in a different way to understand what could come next to it, "Downtown's Lights close the album in a sweet and calmed folk song. 

Being Recorded in a L.A. beach studio, the songs talk about the big city, any big city you like, but somehow i like it for highway trips or sunny spring days or a rainy summer day. You can listen to it anywhere and anytime you want. 

I give it a 9/10 score. 
Plus the album playlist.    

Now after the review i want to tell you that the British site didn't accept my review for the lack of time to arrange it and authenticity on it, somehow i felt very sad about it cuz i was urging for a paid job, i thought the writing stuff wasn't for me, but... then i said Fuck it, i almost leave it but didn't, i pass over it and moved on.

A whole year after this album and review i got to experience exciting stuff, i got a job... well different jobs and got the chance to meet my favourite writer Irvine Welsh... an adventure i will tell you on time. That's why i shall call this album "The album that changed my life... maybe forever".

Well that's it for today, i leave saying See you later and reminding you Je Suis Le Mexicain. Have a nice day.

#KevinMorby #CityMusic #Alternative #Review #Remindfrom2017 #LeMexicain

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