miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2018

Telephone Exchange

The New Alternative and The Machine. 

Hello again my friends, i haven't been able to post lately but now i will get more in touch with you. Today i want to show some music by a friend of my, Cesar Saldivar. he's been up in the underground music scene of Mexico in the last decade, being part of bands like The Surfucks, Bleak Boys and now his new project where he goes solo and fully charged as Telephone Exchange.

Is weird to explain the way i met Cesar, almost 10 years ago, to be precise it was 8 years ago, via Facebook, i saw a band called Surfucks and immediately got hooked by their sound, then he became friends and started chatting about music, travels and so. Cesar is from the state and city of Aguascalientes, a desert like place in the middle of Mexico, 2010 he joined Surfucks for a short period of time before they split and then got back together in 2014, in 2015 he formed Bleak Boys and they split in early 2016 and at some point almost disappeared in 2017.

2018 has been a busy year for Cesar who's been working and living in Mexico City for a long time and writing music for himself, recording all of the material at his home studio. He tracked all instruments and voices on the album, which is called as Maschinelles Lernen. 

He likes to mix psychedelic and Post Rock sounds to create calmed atmospheres, the sound of his music could be related to shoegaze or Lo-Fi. 

He's up-coming album is still waiting but we had the chance to listen the first single, Machine Learning, and it's quietly amazing with some influences of Krautrock, taking abstract sounds and deep voices to make it sound mysterious, we could say it's the new alternative music made for those sunny summer days or rainy cold days at home. We hope to listen to his up-coming album real soon and to have the pleasure to interview him about all the details and facts to know about it. 

As plus data, the whole album was recorded in an analog studio. Lately Cesar Saldivar is launching his own Label as El Cochinero. 

Don't be late and listen the track Machine Learning by Telephone Exchange. 
I leave here also his facebook pagefor you to check it out and start following this music genius. 


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