lunes, 27 de agosto de 2018

A Trip To Tlaxcala 

Food, architecture and a great breakfast. 

Hallo, my beloved friends, today i have a very special post for you and it's because a few days we've been invited to travel to an iconic place of Mexico, the city and surrounding laces of Tlaxcala, but we did it to eat one of the finest treasures of the country, the chiles en nogada and we found a place where breakfast has another meaning. 

Our first stop was in Tlaxcala's downtown were we decided to have breakfast, we walked just two blocks from the parking lot and we found a place called Casa Uno Uno, we got in and the inside was amazing, a place with rock, wood, rustic decoration and the most fine furniture. While reading the menu we decided to take the breakfast number 1, it included juice, mixed fruit with yogurt on top, a cup of tea, coffee or atole, this atole was champurrado a chocolate/corn brew and also its variant without choco but blue corn and as strong meal chilaqules with chicken and enchiladas. 

Casa Uno Uno is located in Av. Juarez number 11 near the main square, is not also a place to eat breakfast, but also where traditional food can be found or just a few drinks with your mates, the place is quiet and comfortable and also the food will worth the way from city to Tlaxcala, it offers season food and sweet bread from french tradition (cuz sweet bread is a french tradition in mexico).  
 in this place breakfast has a different meaning, you can see it in the pictures below. 

red chilaquiles

green sauce chilaquiles

The champurrado

After this feast and lovely ambient we decided to visit the convent, which is in the top of a hill a few steps from the Xicohtencatl square, this square is also the place were merchandise can be bought, many kind of merchandise since typical clothes to hand crafts and also regional fruit or bread. Is also the home of Xicohtencatl, the lord from Tlaxcala in a sculpture.  

Xicohtencatl square

the lord itself
Also, it's a plce where restaurants are gathered to offer vast and wide food and drinks selections, one of the most popular drink, the pulque in its different "cured" versions. 

One of this breweries offering pulque

So up on the hill you will find more interesting merchandise sold by the town's people and also hand crafted, but one of the best things from this hill is the view, the convent and its gate, a colonial architecture can be seen here and around town, the top of the convent is form a Mos-Arabian style, very popular among Spanish colonies. 

The gate

The chapel form the convent 
From this point the Arena can be seen. 

But the main character here is the convent. 

The convent

And after visiting this convent, a religious building still, we hit the road to Apizaco to eat a well-known delicacy of the season, the popular chiles en nogada and to explain what is a chile en nogada let me tell you that: is the most popular way to celebrate mexico's gastronomy in just one meal. 

Chile en nogada at its finest

First of all you have an iconic element, the pepper, known as chile, big sized pepper, stuffed with a sweet ground meat stew called picadillo, the nogada is a or kind of sauce made out of castillan nuts and cream, it has to be sweet to contrast the not so spicy flavour of the chile, but we need to add colour, the pomegranate is the right fruit to give the meal some color, even so you are recreating the Mexican flag with this. As final trick people often add some parsley. 

We ate two versions of this chile, one deep fried on egg and the other in its natural state. 

Deep fried in egg
Among the differences both versions are tasty and it pleases the most demanding clients, but we were invited as friends and that's what it takes, a good, fresh and tasty meal to gather people around tables, not only in restaurants, also at home. 

I hope you had enjoyed this as much as me, maybe we need a wider explanation, but that will be later. so, i say goodbye by no and i remind you, to always keep your eyes peeled cuz you can find something interesting around town or wherever you are. 
And of course i remind you Je suis Le Mexicain, Au Revoir. 

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