jueves, 16 de agosto de 2018

La Casa de las Flores

Frivolity and tastelessness of a soap-opera drama. 

Yes my friends, a Mexican is going to talk about an "original" Mexican production by Netflix and i have a lot to talk about it, mostly bad points. 

Beginning to air this month, La Casa de las Flores is divided in different episodes which every single one of them has the name of a flower, representing a situation. But... what's wrong with this "TV series", first, is not a TV series, is a telenovela or soap-opera drama trying to imitate the classic format of the Mexican dramas where a suicide complicates the frivolous live of an upper class family. 

The ups and downs on the production are noticeable when characters star to play their role... i have never seen such fake acting, even the voice of Cecilia Suarez' caharacter is so annoying (but we got an explanation about it... simply i don't care, it's unnecessary) that paused, slow way to speak and pronounce Spanish...  please... stop it. 

The fact to Aislinn Derbez see in this Netflix series is nothing but promotion to her career, which is basically sucking his father's blood. 

Characters are so vague on their roles and the "fun" parts are forced and simple. Photography is full of colour and over saturated.

The portray of  Mexican society is completely wrong in some cases due to the fact of pride, frivolity, excessive brazenness and prepotency... but well maybe is right on that side of upper Mexican society.    

Nevertheless there are subjects and themes inside the plot with different look, the fact of placing these subjects such as homosexuality (diversity is important). This is the kind of things other studios and companies should start to talk about, give their place to diversity and people. The situation could be anywhere and to anybody. well done there.

Besides i'm talking pure trash about this series mom says: "We should support these productions, give it a change, cuz' this way studios promote investments for the Mexican TV and cinema industry" 

But let's be honest, who the hell would support a series with an old-cranky actress (Veronica Castro) and a senseless plot? 

A Mexican talks about a Mexican production... but that does not means i have to talk nice about it, it was good when Netflix produced Club de Cuervos, everything was just fine, if the studio could have done more series like that it would have been pretty good, but no, they took a basic, tasteless concept and over tropical.lized  the view of our society. 

Sincerely i ask, no, i beg pardon from all of you when you see these words, i'm not the typical Mexican who enjoys novelas or... bad TV shows, but believe me this series is such stupid, like what they did with Luis Miguel, who the hell produces a series about a decadent and irrelevant "artist"? There's no difference between the garbage we catch from regular TV and this production.

...Watch it under your own risk. and sorry about my words, sometimes we need to be strong with these matters and talk with the truth. 

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