jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2018

Pumpkin Pie: Recipe 

For Samhain. 

I know it's too late to post this recipe, but i want to share it with you because this year Samhain has brought to my family some good stuff besides the reminds of our loved ones who passed away the last year.

So for this recipe and as being a tradition at home we have changed the recipe constantly since 2010, now this Pumpkin Pie has many ingredients and a new crust, we used to made the crust out of butter and cookies, but now we have a better crust.

What you need for the crust is:
-250 gr All purpose flour
-150 gr Butter
-100 gr Powdered sugar
-1 Egg
-1 Pitch of salt
1- Tsp Vanilla

Mix all of these ingredients til' you get a dough , place some oil in the baking pan before setting the crust, bake for about 20 minutes at 150 Celsius degrees. 

For the Pie you will need:
-1 Kg Pumpkin (previously boiled)
-2 Eggs
-1/2 Cup of Table Cream 
-1 can Condensed Milk (to avoid adding sugar)
-1 Tsp Ginger
-1/4 Tsp Cinnamon
-1/8 Tsp Clove
-1/4 Tsp Shredded Nutmeg (I prefer to shred the nutmeg directly before blending)
-1 Tsp Vanilla

So, place all these ingredients into a blender, i like to break the eggs in a different place to make sure we do not have a rotten egg among us and avoid damaging the mix. After mixing all ingredients, take the crust out of the oven and place the mix over, make sure the mix covers 3/4 parts of the crust and then, bake at 150 Celsius degrees for about 40 minutes. 

Place in a dish and you'll get the most delicious Pumpkin pie to haunt your house and offer to the Gods of Samhain.

The Product. 
So as being a Samhain (All Hallows Eve) dessert I give you a song that will stick together with this pie. 

Next Autumn, if you want to cook something tasty, try this recipe. 


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