jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2019

Alone With The Night 

H.R. Giger and his nightmares in Mexico City. 

We know this is the first post in over more than six or nine months, but we have to show you one of the best places and exhibitios you're gonna see the rest of the year and the next one.

That's right me lads, H.R. Giger arrives to Mexico with the biggest collection about his works, more than 100 pieces of art, draws, sculptures, and many artciles more are being shown in the city of palaces at Reforma 109, col. Juarez. 

To celebrate Alien day GigerMX screened the 1979 film, Alien: The Eight Passenger, with live music by YATCH, an interesting project we will talk about later. But all of this to open the gates to Giger's mind and soul. 

We had the remendous opportunity to see the Alien room, where all of the concepts and sculptures are shown, even... the original Alien head used foir short footage and the iconic Necronom IV, the piece that cauught Ridley Scott's attention.

We had the chance to interview Patrick Giger, from Giger museum in Switzerland and he reveled lots of misterious stuff about the enigmatic master H.R.

You can check the interview right here: file:///C:/Users/Condor81/Desktop/Patrick%20Giger.mp3

Herr Patrick. 

But more than just a pop culture reference, this exhibition shows an artist, with his demons and his own vision of the world, our own perverted and twisted world, full of nightmares, fear and shadows, somehoe a lovecraftian mist surrounding him and a light with mere hope to acknowledge we are near the end.

As a fan of his work, i have to admit i was affraid of the creature long time ago, when i was 8, but somehow and by the pass of time, i saw on the creature a mere reflection of my own fears, maybe as Lovecraft used to say "Fear is the maybe the first emotion mankind felt in the beginning of times", and thanfully to Giger we can find a therapeutic way to express fear and darkness and expell them out of ourselves.

But Giger is not only a cinema phenomenum, he has been around us all the time, his hands have insprired music, arts, books, tattoos, video games and many things we are in touch with, i relate him so much with Lovecraft because they are in the same place of culture, not only pop or general, culture at its finest.

Alone With The Night is held at Reforma #109.
tickets are on sale at:  https://hrgiger.mx/tickets/?lang=en

Visit this exhibition, because is the first time in the whole american continent this collection is going to be here, maybe... the last one and Mexico is the first place to hold this precious collection about the man who draw sensations and expelled his demons to fight the dark.

Thanks Giger MX for giving us this tremendous chance to visit Alien Room and to bring one of the biggest artists to Mexico City.

I'd like to dedicate this post to my father, Saul Perez, the man who brought this amazing creature home a long time ago. 

Je Suis Le Mexicain... or i shall say... Ich bin der Mexikaner.

miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2019


From the Whisper to the Absence. 

On tuesday we had the pleasure to attend Menguante's showcase in McCarty's Napoles. The band from Mexico City gave us a small sample of how their new album is gonna be like. 

Promoting their new album, Del Suspiro, A La Ausencia and thewir brand new videoclip, Soledad, this lads are setting their way for the rest of 2019, with new goals and high expectatives, Menguante has the means to create several new music throughout the years. 

After a few words about the production and creative work they did with this album (produced by José Luis Escamilla: a legend among Mexico's local escene) the band proceeded to play their instruments and show us a few tracks. 

I liked how this band described themselves as a mere rock band, not giving a damn about labels on music genre, they play a huge role now with years of experience. 

It will be just a matter of time to see this lads live and loud on a stage.

Listen their music on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6cAb2WldyKd4mfVWUyVC8U

lunes, 27 de mayo de 2019


The Fear Is Real.

HBO did it again, after Game Of Thrones ended in a not so positive way, Chernobyl rised as one of the best series yet. 

With just a few episodes coming to put an end to this great miniseries, Chernobyl has become a huge phenomena around the world, exposing a constant fear, the actions made by the soviet government and the side effects from one of the most shocking disasters in the world lived by human race. 

Yes, the disaster suffered in the nuclear power plant, Chernobyl, is now a television miniseries brought by HBO, begun in May 6th with huge impact, we decided to write a few words about it. 

This Thriller has everythig you need to spend the day at home, good acting and performances, a well written screenplay and  a meticulously treatment about the situations and conflicts among the plot. Since the begining of the disaster, through the denial and the response from the soviet gorvernment, the constant fear and a second look on the nuclear activities. 

The fear this series manage is real, we're not in front of a fictional scenary, no, Chernobyl exposes a real state of fear and angst, away from any monsters or spectres created by television, here the fear is real. 

Starring Jared Harris, Stellan Skarsgard, Emily Watson and the irish singer Jessie Buckley with many others giving the series a profesional and quiet good acting position, this series becomes a warning, about the victims and the efforts to offset the damage. 

The question this series brings to us is: Are we awere of our decisions and ways to react against a disaster like this? Are our efforts to save the planet enough to prevent something like this? 

We're too vulnerable as a specie.

Chernobyl will get its finale on June 3th.

To enjoy this post and series we made a playlist with the best from NIN, track related to this kind of feeling we got from watching Chernobyl: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5yGXq5LGA0wZMWyTZhD0yg

domingo, 26 de mayo de 2019

 Neutrino Labs

A New Way To Make Pedals.

While Monkeybee Records opened their brand new rehearsal rooms, The lads from Neutrino Labs were selling and showing some pedals they produce. 

What these lads have in their arsenal are weapons of mass destruction, they focus on Fuzz pedals but also create new ways to kick sound out of a Delay and woofers to avoid any signal out of place. 

Take a llok on how these pedals work: 

They define themselves as a Lab for sonic experiments, even they modify common pedlas to make them sound better. 

Their style is savage, they use tons of crazy objects to build pedals. 

Modified Big Muffs
Coffee Time!

Your groovie sound will be safe and over powered when you connect these pedals on your board. You can ask for customized characteristics, they deliver pedals all around the world. 

Get Ready.

So don't think it twice, if you look for a better sound with your own style and luxury pedals, contact these lads: 


viernes, 24 de mayo de 2019

Monkeybee Records

Rehearsal Rooms Opening.

On May 23th, Monkeybee Records opened their brand new rehearsal rooms, designed for those musicians looking for a quiet and wide space to rehears and practice their music on confortable rooms. 

The team threw a party where DJ Junk Wild was pitching some records, wedanced to garage, punk and rock and roll music for a while. 

Some bands from Spain like Los Nastys, Kings of the Beach and Carrion Kids destroyed the stage at night... but due to medical reasons i wasn't able to watch their show... 

But the important thing here was the cause, this event had a dynamic on the alcohol consume, for every beer you bought you helped to rise funds for cancer treatment, this is the kind of causes we need to fight for. 

But let's focus on the event too, this party was a sensation, people purchased tons of items such as FX pedals, made by Neutrino Labs (A workshop dedicated to build and create signature and unique pedals and stomp boxes), vinyls and art, also rehearsal hours were given away as part of a raffle. 

I bet the night went alright with the bands and so, but what you need is to enjoy music from this lads! i will write something about them later on further posts. 

Monkeybee Records is a growing company with a studio and now their exclent rehearsal rooms, run by Jasmina Hirschl, be sure we have more exciting news from this company and the stuff they are doing in Mexico. 

The rehearsal rooms are located in Calle 1, #14. San Pedro de los Pinos 03800, Benito Juarez, Mexico City. 

Butchers & Sons

Because We Love Burgers.

The mexican restaurant has a promotion for you this Burger Day, and because we love burgers and we're gonna have a good time, we will share you this great information to ya!!!

Butchers & Sons are celebration this day with a brand new burger on its menu, The Smash Burger, a special with two smashed loafs of meat and cheese between them. 

Look at this precious bad boy.

But wait, there's more, the same day this burger is gonna be launched, Btuchers & Sons are gonna have a huge promotion for you, yes.

In every order you have the possibility to win free burgers for a whole year, look at the flag on your burger, there are tons of presents and promotions waiting for you this Burger Day.

Just like this!

I don't know, but i'm waiting to have a burger just in front of me with a tiny flag and be the lucky one to have burgers for a whole year.

If you're in Mexico City this May 28th, don't hasitate and get into a Butchers & Sons, i bet you will be a winner.

Follow them on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ButcherandSons/?epa=SEARCH_BOX

Butchers & Sons is a company opened in 2012 delivering the best experipence in burgers and many other curiosities from the american cuisine, their vast and wide menu is so versatil and it gives a small sample of flavour and joy. 

Perfect for those who look something challenging, they have many restaurants around Mexico City. 

Coyoacan: Av Miguel Ángel de Quevedo 353, Romero de Terreros, 04310 Ciudad de México, CDMX

Pedregal: Av. de Las Fuentes 569, Jardines del Pedregal, 01900 Ciudad de México, CDMX

Roma: Orizaba 87, Roma Nte., 06700 Ciudad de México, CDMX

Polanco: Virgilio 8, Polanco, Polanco III Secc, 11560 Ciudad de México, CDMX

Alameda (Near Centro Historico): Calle Dr Mora 9, Colonia Centro, Centro, 06000 Ciudad de México, CDMX

And Mercado Roma: Calle Querétaro 225, Roma Nte., 06700 Ciudad de México, CDMX

So get ready for a whole new experience and Happy Burger Day! 

martes, 21 de mayo de 2019

V Devil

The Blast from Yucatan. 

V Devil is a band from Yucatan, Mexico. With three sigles available on Spotify, these lads are ready for any kind of battle.

A great mix between Hard Rock, Metal and Alternative Rock, guitars and heavy voices.

This band is not a nostalgic band, they come to set a new way to make metal in Mexico even if that way has to summon the devil itself.

Their singles are "Otras Vez Dije Adios", "Constelacion" and "Inmortal".

If you are in Mexico City and want to get some live shows from V Devil, they're gonna have two live dates, May 24th and 25th in Santa Leyenda, Condesa (24th) and Comandacia, Insurgentes Sur (25th).

Be there on time to get your ass kicked by the sound of V Devil.



viernes, 29 de marzo de 2019

Love, Death + Robots 

A Brutal Anthology For Post-Modern Times.

On March 15th, Netflix released this spectacular anthology created by Tim Miller (Deadpool), with the use of different animation studies and subjects, Love, Death + Robots, shows us a complete different way of entertainment via streaming. 

Without sketches or long and boring chapters, the series airs short episodes where the characters love, they embrace their destiny and subsequently, die. You will see on its eighteen episodes everything you need to know about a dis-topic society, the Isaac Asimov's robotic laws being re-imagined. 

Yes, eighteen episodes with a huge cast giving their voices to fun and amazing characters, Iced Age is the only one being a live-action clip with Mary-Elizabeth Winstead and Thoper Grace starring. 

Most of this animation clips set different subjects such as Human behaviour, war, evolution, technology use and its over use and philosophy. 

Making fun of cliches and retrieving complete pop culture references and adult humour, this anthology gives us the chills. Monsters, vampires, robots, a Lovecraftian feeling among fear and mystery, space travels and more, Love Death + Robots has everything to became the perfect science fiction show of the decade... Maybe the new science fiction master piece of our times. 

On the other hand it may loose its main timeline, being a lil' bit messy on the first seconds from some episodes, but with the time this disappears, leading to an explanation of the plot. It has a great soundtrack and score too, bringing some magic to the animation and delivering a great atmosphere. 

We ensure you, you will have a great time with these robots. 

To keep the excitement we decided to create a playlist reflecting some feelings we got from watching the series. 

So, don't waste anytime! get on Netflix and enjoy this astonishing series, remember to Love, Die and become a robot with us.  

Here's Our Playlist:

sábado, 2 de marzo de 2019

Astro Santo

A piece from the old Mexican neighbourhoods

Being opened last week (Thursday, February 28th) Astro Santo in a few words from its Chef Alejandro De La Piedra Lazcano, is "A back to the old Mexican neighbourhoods from La Roma" 

This place is a product from the Roma Effect (yes, the multi awarded Cuaron movie), bringing a unique experience with flavour, good taste and of course a strong and firm sense of identity.

From the menu, we can appreciate the traditional household food, if you grew up in Mexico you can remember the old "Fideo Seco" (Dry noodle soup) from our grannies, other dishes are "Ensalada de Nopal" (Nopal salad), "Tostadas de Salpicon" (Crispy tortillas with shredded beef salad), "Tostadas de Ceviche" (Crispy tortillas with lemon cooked fish), "Tacos de Cochinita" among many others, all of these with the most careful selection of ingredients. 

The Chef also says about this meticulous selection of dishes:  

"We try to make a menu showing the best from every region, since the South East with the Cochinita to the Centre with the Fideo Seco and the North with a Burrito, using meat from Sonora". 

Also the quality of its ingredients that makes every dish important and the best experience for every diner. 

"Our mission is to give diners comfort, like being at home with a traditional household food and the service from a good restaurant. Of course our products are a hundred percent Mexican, because Lo hecho en Mexico siempre es mejor (Made in Mexico is always the best)". 

In the drink area we can have a huge selection of classic drinks, Martinis, Whisky, etc, but the main course are Mezcal, Tequila and Handcraft Beer, obviously with the special Mexican touch, directly from the bar to the tables. 
"We offer a special handcraft beer for our diners, a Dunkel beer with good taste and a Ale to get a fresh air" 

Undoubtedly a place to relax and enjoy, with amusing paraphernalia and sense of design and space.  

But what makes this place unique is its location, surrounded by a perfect architectonic view, showing the Roma old houses, the french-like street with the trees and the feeling to be in one of the most recognised neighbourhoods in Mexico City (I remember to have read William S. Burroughs' "Queer" where he writes a lot about Orizaba street). 

Also this Cantina makes a contrast with the variety of places in La Roma, bringing its original aesthetic and life style, a Cantina de Barrio for El Barrio. Out of modern cliches and with no pretentious, a pet friendly and familiar place for all with a little modern touch (music and people making it cool), Astro Santo is the place to go. 

For me this Experience is what makes Mexico and its corners unique and attractive, Astro Santo is another proof to be proud and shout out loud "I'M MEXICAN!". 

We'd like to give it a 10/10 score.

Soon i'll be back in Astro Santo, and ye shall go too.

Remember our words. Je Suis Le Mexicain!

Location: Orizaba 87
06700 Ciudad de México
Colonia Roma. 
You can find Astro Santo on Facebook and Instagram:

"Artists to my mind are the real architects of change" -William S. Burroughs 



viernes, 1 de febrero de 2019

Honey Rockets

Yuck On Stage (Asco en el Escenario) 

Los Honey Rockets are a prolific band from Mexico City, they have an homonimous Extended Play released in 2016 and it escalated very quick into the local scene, mixing punk, garage and a huge attitude of vibrant and explosive joy, Los Honey Rockets are a mere band from Mexico you have to listen to. 

This year they are releasing Asco en el Escenario (Yuck On Stage), coming on to another discharge of punk and energy mixed with tons of electricity and a dark atmosphere. 

With just six tracks we get into the mood to go out and party but also to stay at home and play with lots of feelings from excitement ("Mujer Violenta") and lust ("Ajolote") to just nodding off and try to be reflexive (Kraut). But also the album bring a fresh kind of twist, a garage feeling inside that makes party a whole new thing ("Borracha Entre Semana") and a new anthem of destruction ("Destruir"), "Perdidas Totales" is maybe a messy and noisy track for those who believe noise can bring a new statement of music, kinda like a master piece for the live shows. 

In general Asco en el Escenario is a pack full of great tracks, maybe it tends to be repetitive, but it's the main soul of an Extended Play, we have to be patience. 

Now, i have a small anecdote about Los Honey Rockets. It was back in May 2018 when i saw them at Marvin Festival, it was almost time for them to end their show at Cinespacio (a venue that was taken to present live shows from bands at the festival), Buzzcocks had their live show at El Plaza and so we couldn't attend it, as much as many of us we went to see Los Honey Rockets.

 They had just one track to finish their act and i was excited, i didn't know what was about to happen and they said they were gonna play a cover, so i shouted "Play a Luis Miguel cover!!!!" people started to ask for a cover, and shout at them to play, so they said it was gonna be a Buzzcocks cover, and then it happened, they played "Ever Fallen In Love?" making the venue to crumble into a chaotic punk ecstasy. 

We started to jump and to push each other while they were playing, fists were on the air and we sang along, pure punk energy among us, then a couple of lads and i were jumping together and shouting the lyrics, then again we pushed us, against ourselves, the music created the perfect atmosphere to be punk.

I hope they promote this record the same way, at a festival or at some live shows, Los Honey Rockets are a supreme label of quality and joy. 

I'm gonna place the link for you to purchase this and their previous EP, because Los Honey Rockets are the band you should be listening right now.  

If you want to know more about Mexican bands or from any other place, don't doubt i will bring you something next time ;) See you later lads!