jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2019

Alone With The Night 

H.R. Giger and his nightmares in Mexico City. 

We know this is the first post in over more than six or nine months, but we have to show you one of the best places and exhibitios you're gonna see the rest of the year and the next one.

That's right me lads, H.R. Giger arrives to Mexico with the biggest collection about his works, more than 100 pieces of art, draws, sculptures, and many artciles more are being shown in the city of palaces at Reforma 109, col. Juarez. 

To celebrate Alien day GigerMX screened the 1979 film, Alien: The Eight Passenger, with live music by YATCH, an interesting project we will talk about later. But all of this to open the gates to Giger's mind and soul. 

We had the remendous opportunity to see the Alien room, where all of the concepts and sculptures are shown, even... the original Alien head used foir short footage and the iconic Necronom IV, the piece that cauught Ridley Scott's attention.

We had the chance to interview Patrick Giger, from Giger museum in Switzerland and he reveled lots of misterious stuff about the enigmatic master H.R.

You can check the interview right here: file:///C:/Users/Condor81/Desktop/Patrick%20Giger.mp3

Herr Patrick. 

But more than just a pop culture reference, this exhibition shows an artist, with his demons and his own vision of the world, our own perverted and twisted world, full of nightmares, fear and shadows, somehoe a lovecraftian mist surrounding him and a light with mere hope to acknowledge we are near the end.

As a fan of his work, i have to admit i was affraid of the creature long time ago, when i was 8, but somehow and by the pass of time, i saw on the creature a mere reflection of my own fears, maybe as Lovecraft used to say "Fear is the maybe the first emotion mankind felt in the beginning of times", and thanfully to Giger we can find a therapeutic way to express fear and darkness and expell them out of ourselves.

But Giger is not only a cinema phenomenum, he has been around us all the time, his hands have insprired music, arts, books, tattoos, video games and many things we are in touch with, i relate him so much with Lovecraft because they are in the same place of culture, not only pop or general, culture at its finest.

Alone With The Night is held at Reforma #109.
tickets are on sale at:  https://hrgiger.mx/tickets/?lang=en

Visit this exhibition, because is the first time in the whole american continent this collection is going to be here, maybe... the last one and Mexico is the first place to hold this precious collection about the man who draw sensations and expelled his demons to fight the dark.

Thanks Giger MX for giving us this tremendous chance to visit Alien Room and to bring one of the biggest artists to Mexico City.

I'd like to dedicate this post to my father, Saul Perez, the man who brought this amazing creature home a long time ago. 

Je Suis Le Mexicain... or i shall say... Ich bin der Mexikaner.

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