miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2019


From the Whisper to the Absence. 

On tuesday we had the pleasure to attend Menguante's showcase in McCarty's Napoles. The band from Mexico City gave us a small sample of how their new album is gonna be like. 

Promoting their new album, Del Suspiro, A La Ausencia and thewir brand new videoclip, Soledad, this lads are setting their way for the rest of 2019, with new goals and high expectatives, Menguante has the means to create several new music throughout the years. 

After a few words about the production and creative work they did with this album (produced by José Luis Escamilla: a legend among Mexico's local escene) the band proceeded to play their instruments and show us a few tracks. 

I liked how this band described themselves as a mere rock band, not giving a damn about labels on music genre, they play a huge role now with years of experience. 

It will be just a matter of time to see this lads live and loud on a stage.

Listen their music on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6cAb2WldyKd4mfVWUyVC8U

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