lunes, 31 de diciembre de 2018

Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever.

2018 Last Discovering. 

I always try to look for new music to refresh my playlist and make every year different, plus i have discovered new bands, tracks and records this 2018 and i thought i had listened to all the music i was destined to discover.

But a few days, me and my family got to gather with some Belgian friends, we enjoy to talk about many things and the few times that we have seen each other we try to spend it the most we can, so one of these days of December we had a stroll over Mexico City downtown and our friend told me, before we split to our respective homes, "You should listen to Rolling Blackouts, they have an incredible sound and they're brand new, almost brand new, they released their first record this year, you're gonna like it".

Knowing my mate has a good music taste (he lived the best moment of punk, rock and alternative music in its glory and mere explosion), i was very excited to know what was and how this band he had the kindness to recommend me.

So, i purchased their debut album, Hope Downs and intermediately i felt an amazing pitch, an electricity that i only feel in music that really matters.

Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever is a band from Melbourne, Australia. formed by five lads that totally knows how to create good vibrations and risky and meaningful lyrics, since 2013 they have released several singles and Extended Plays, the most relevant being Talk Tight (2016) and The French Press (2017). This year they released a beautiful debut album but we will talk about it later.

I'm gonna review in small words why Rolling Blackouts it's the band you shall be listening right now.

As off i listened to Hope Downs i wanted to know more about the band's previous releases, so i listened to their most relevant extended plays to get a bit familiar with them.

Talk Tight is the kind of music you could find in a typical independent movie, with the guitars being played slowly and with rhythm. What you listen is a huge endeavour of freedom, the wind runs through your hair and makes it whirl. The single that comes out of this EP is called Write Back and it's worthy of you playlist because of it's impact, a soul with the big desire to fly.

The French Press is more directed to alternative rock itself, more sound coming from a guitar and the voice makes it sounds like a real and mature rock band, out of nowhere this lads take the line of composition very serious, their best weapon is the ambitious set of tracks on it, being Colours Run and Julie's Place the best ones.

And for their Debut album, Hope Downs i can only say, this record is for those sunny days and summer nights we love to death, in general the whole discography of Rolling Blackouts C.F. is a Spring/Summer hit, i can describe their sound like fresh grass, Sunny days and cold drinks. Besides this i can tell Rolling Blackouts are gonna sound everywhere and play in the best festivals, they signed with SUB POP records so... it's a guaranty.

I recommend you to listen the full album to feel every track as a small piece of a story, that way you'll enjoy it even more.

My lesson on this band is that, we have to discover more than we already did during the year, maybe look forward instead of looking back on the past, bands like Rolling Blackouts shall rule the new rock era for good.

If you want to purchase their music and stream it you'll have the link for their bandcamp below.
and some of their social media to follow them.

Me lads! this was the last discovering from 2018 and also the last post, we will see ourselves next year (a few days maybe) to keep on rocking in a free world, i feel so happy to have been with you this 2018, receive a good vibe from me at home and keep following us, we will make great things in 2019, wait for it, i wave my hand to you an remind you, Je suis Le Mexican.

Happy New Year! 

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