sábado, 21 de abril de 2018

Melvins: Pinkus Abortion Technician.


And it finally arrived, the new Melvins production came with lots of surprises, since their new era with bassist Steve McDonald from Redd Kross, they decided to experiment with a second four-string player, another current collaborator, Jeff Pinkus, musician who gives his name to this brand new album called Pinkus Abortion Technician. 

King Buzzo, Dale Crover, Steve McDonald And Jeff Pinkus gave their best to create a satiric, acid and in many ways, fun set list with bizarre combinations, first we have the medley with "Stop Moving To Florida" and "Embrace The Rub" became highly popular among the fans, followed by "Don't Forget To Breath" a slow blues track with long voices and sludgy guitars, "Flamboyant Duck" is the acoustic song we see heavily influenced by King Buzzo's solo album, very nice way to combine the voices, "Break Beard" takes the classic Melvins sound with fuzzy bass and strong drums, "I Want To Hold Your Hand" is a bizarre version of The Beatles' classic hit, the slow lead guitar makes it a bit awkward for a Beatles fan (My father) and also for me, Buzz voice makes it feels like a song to give a chuckle while you hit the play bottom, the ending is far bizarre than their Paul McCartney cover from 2012 Freak Puke, "Prenup Butter goes back with the bluesy sound, you can feel the heat on it and the need for a beer and lay on the grass, and "Graveyard" originally by the Butthole Surfers is as noisy as the original version, Pinkus played this track with Melvins before when they gave away ice cream on a van in 2012. 

The whole album has references to the Butthole Surfers, like the title from Locus Abortion Technician and the track "Graveyard"m(song from the same album). Even the alternate cover from the Vinyl issue is a sadistic tribute to the Surfers cover. 

Made by Hazel XXL
In resume... the new Melvins' album is a blast, it may has a bit of weirdness but hey, that's how Melvins work, they need some savage weirdness, tons of sadistic graphic designs and satiric lyrics.

Pinkus Abortion Technician is now available on streaming platforms, digital stores and the band's main website for its physical version, compact disc or vinyl. 

The Band hit the road in promotion this same month and will play a ton of shows were the weirdness will be the main course. I leave here the album to be streamed at Spotify. Cheers everyone, and have a nice weekend.     


Iggy Pop & Robert Smith Special Post.

Mr. Iggy Pop

Mr. Robert Smith
Since i was a teenage lad i got hooked by the music of Robert Smith from The Cure and Iggy Pop, first of all, my mother introduced me to The Cure's music when i was 12, with their classic song "Boys Don't Cry", for me it was incredible, a voice the power to say "We sing about you", but, once i turned 15 i really needed something else, something different, raw and cruel, that's when i knew Iggy's music, solo or with The Stooges, Iggy turned out to be my biggest idol, the half naked lizard man with violent behaviour on stage made me realise... he was more punk than any other punks out there.

The first song i heard from Iggy's arsenal was "The Passenger", it evoked on me a freedom sense and an attitude to say "mmm... yeah, whatever, let's just sing". Iggy was inspired by Lou Reed, a man who definitely had no melodic voice for music, but anyways he sang so Iggy did the same, he didn't care about the sund of his voice and by being a guy with the same condition, i wanted to do the same as them, so i adopted the way Iggy sang in every song. my voice is terrible but nah, just did it. 

Now Iggy turns 71, and i completely cannot imagine a world without him creating new music, yes he has delayed about it, but has deliver us great master pieces. In 2016 he joined forces with Josh Homme from QOTSA and made "Post-Pop Depression" one of the best modern works from Pop and the most risky and experimental work from Josh. The his blues track from last year, and his jazz collab that has been constantly. I don't think Iggy is ready to Die.

But... what about Mr. Smith, he has been kinda absent from the music scene since 2008, his last collab was with Crystal Castles in 2010 and since the final album "4:13 Dream" we have seen less interest to make new music, although in 2016 at a music festival two new songs could be heard and someone took the initiative to show us a bit from them, i cannot remember the titles, but it seemed like Smith and CIA are getting into the studio this year, 10 years after their last album. this has been the longest awaited album since Tool's unknown album. 

The Cure's 2008 album
Smith's voice is unique, since its darkest songs to their most happy jolly ones, "Pornography" and "Kiss me, Kiss me, Kiss me" have a great balance, but "Head on the Door" is the best produced album we have ever heard from the band, the quality of sounds and compositions makes it perfect for any soundtrack, any occasion, anything. 

Smith turns 59 today and his music sounds fresh and new every day, for me such mysterious character deserves a monument, because his image gives a dark impression but his voice takes it out, my mom says "'Boys Don't Cry' is such a happy song that for me is almost impossible to understand and to accept that he created that song". 

But well for me, both musicians are talented, great and magnificent. they have inspired a vast list of bands and artists, like Sex Pistols, Ramones to Dinosaur Jr. and Nirvana. 

From here we wish both of them a Happy Birthday and hope they be with us for a long time. who knows? maybe when i get older i will show their music to my children. 

I will leave a playlist to enjoy this day as much as possible: 


Remember to have a rock and roll weekend. Je suis Le Mexicain.

viernes, 20 de abril de 2018

The FICA! (International Convention of Friends and their Cultures). 

Downtown Main square

Mexico City

That's Right my friends, Mexico City did it again, and this time bigger than expected. Mexico City's downtown made its 10th Convention of Friends and their Culture, which means, many countries set heir stands and offer their food, jewellery, clothes and many other stuff from their land. This year we had the exception of England and France, i don't understand why but a huge variety of North-African and Middle-East countries. 

The convention was split in two parts, the craft area along with music and dance spectacles at the main square of downtown and the gastronomic tend located in Santo Domingo's plaza near the main square. 

Santo Domingo's Plaza
For reasons... we decided to go first to St. Domingo's plaza, were the fun begun with extraordinary food, beginning with Libya's stand.
Libyan women and the vast delicacies

My first impression when we got closer to the stands was the smell of spices, i'm a guy who loves food made out with tons of spices, you know why? Cuz i'm Mexican, so we tasted a bread filled with chard and decorated with vegetables and yogurt sauce (tzatziki). 

Sorry for the bad quality... my dad moved and it was the only picture i took
The we reached Morocco, mom and i got interested by the cous cous again, besides we have a different recipe this one we tasted seemed very authentic and traditional. boiled veggies with beef. such an incredible and familiar taste.
Morocco, very polite people.

such and amazing cous cous from Morocco
Now i will give you a resume about what we saw, because. First we saw Uruguay with their wine collection, the inspired respect and good vibes with their "Choripan". 

Bangladesh and Iran showed their best too, i loved the way Bangladesh gives colour to everything and Iran... such and incredible rhythm. 

Islamic Republic of Iran.
in Pakistan we tasted the Cardamom water, a nice and fresh beverage we needed to keep on our way. Also Pakistan looked very delicious, and their people so nice to us. 

Pakistan. One of those barrels contains the cardamom water.

Thailand gave us a pitch of how much attractive their food is and the ice Popsicles were on point to refresh our day, Thai for everyone, and Turkish people were yelling "Here there's no chicken, no pork, only Lamb!!!" we could see how they were making a Giro in the stove. 



The best Giro i have ever seen in my entire life.
As we know Turkey is the gate to Middle-East, is also the gate to Europe, that's how we entered to the European zone of the Convention, beginning with Poland and their huge list of beers, 4 years ago i was lucky to get one for $40 MXN, Netherlands and the offer of 3 beers for $140 MXN, great price for all, the waffles were resent and the famous Holland cheese, Spain surprised me with a giant ham leg, i wished i had that ability to slice, their ham services were amazing and thin. 

Look at those bottles of beer!

More beer!

i think i fell in love with that ham leg.
Italians were so loud and there was pizza everywhere and wine, lasagne, such an incredible festival of flavour, Denmark had the horns and the beers in stock ready to be crack opened by us, the stand i liked the most was Bulgari with their good meat and yogurt bread, it didn't attracted much people as Germany or Belgium but they had the plus of being a good place to taste some roasted beef.  

Here mom acquired two bottles of wine

Get ready Vikings!!!!


oh my god!!!!
For our surprise we saw the stand of North Korea, Mexico invited the Popular and Democratic Republic of Korea as a friendly act, also we got to the Russian stand were sweets and chocolates were so cheap, we got 5 Russian chocolates for just $20 MXN, and it was damn delicious, they offered, kompot, kvass and beer. Mom said "I like to be friends with the Russians, they sell at a very good price", beside Czech Republic had beer and absinth, and desserts. 

North Korea, present at the FICA, Mexico City

Our friends the Russians

Czech Republic offering their arsenal for the battle.
Roumania, Serbia and Azerbaijan got stick with us for some fun, Serbia brought the Rakja, the strongest liquor on earth, also they showed us they have the strongest beer, and it really is, 11% of alcohol, damn, that's a lot. Roumania delighted us with desserts and Azerbaijan, damn, it's heavenly what people there eat, so much food, desserts, meat, and they were proud of how their country is the first democracy in the Middle-East. The stands that brought more people were Germany and Belgium for their famous beers and food, Germany got Wursts and Belgium offered lots of kinds of beer, even peach beer. we were lucky to find space to take the pictures.


Serbia, Rakja and strong beer


a bit of food from Azerbaijan. 

More Belgium

German Beer!


Deutschland delicacies 
And we finished our small gastronomic walk with Israel and Vietnam, From Israel we saw the traditional falalfel and salads, and from Vietnam, the ice popsicles again and food kinda like chinese one. 

This guy is on it!

Israel's feast

Vietnam waiting for guests
But we wanted more, and by more i mean what was happening at the main square of our city, The same countries and more were there offering their most incredible crafts, natives from all around the world and Mexican citizens as volunteers gathered to attend people, music shows were being held at the stage, we have a small sample of it, Syria was kinda the honour guests, a few days before i heard Morocco asked some Arabian dance schools to show what they got, the Moroccan ambassador was so pleased. But well what we saw at the stage was a true pride act. A band from Syria played for over a few people, but gave the right ambient for the occasion.

C'est la musique 

The Sun was so hot and this musicians made us feel like in the middle of the desert. 

To be smaller than other years this edition of FICA was full of surprises, the security was priority, so that's why they split the gastronomic staff and set it somewhere else. Main square was not full of people, because "It doesn't matter the culture or citizenship... food will always gather people". 

 я мексиканский

forgot to tell ya, i am Czech now

Should have changed my name to Der Mexikaner

And this Danish fella is waving everyone 
Yes, yes my friends this all for today. We have lots to see but also lots to learn about each other, that's why the Gov. organises this kind of Conventions. We thank to every single country that showed up to this and the ones who not we invite you to. 

Yer friend here is so proud of everything and his own country because as Mexican we want to see everyone to have a nice time. 

See ya later boys and girls. 

Ich bin... Der Mexikaner